My Trainings in Neural Muscular Testing, 

Energy Psychology or Energy Kinesiology


A rose is still as rose by any other name.  Energy Psychology, Specialized or Energy Kinesiology, BodyTalk are general terms for using neuro-muscular testing (NMT) to confirm and determine weaknesses in muscle, energy meridians, and other body and emotional connections and functions. 

I am proud to specialize in neuro-muscular testing (NMT) as an accurate biofeedback tool as part of a focused energetic treatment plan.  

NMT is my favorite tool in determining imbalances and blockages in the Body, Mind and Spirit.

(Did you know over 50% of all chiropractors use some form of NMT in their practices?)

I am certified at all four levels of Touch for Health (TFH), my first structured Energy Kinesiology Program.  

I am a Certified NAET Practitioner and Associate, listed on the website.

All NAET practitioners are required to be a Licensed Professional Healthcare Provider.

I am Licensed by the Department of Health of the State of Florida  as an Acupuncture Physician and Primary Healthcare Provider

With my strong background in acupuncture and Oriental medicine and TFH Energy Kinesiology,  I easily became proficient with the NAET training program.

NAET was my introduction to acupuncture / acupressure as energy medicine being a real healthcare approach.

NAET is highly effective in resolving allergies and sensitivities.

I became a Professional Kinesiology Practitioner after completely all 4 levels of the PKP program over 2 years of study with Arlene Green at the US Kinesiology Training Institute in Chapel Hill, NC.  More info: 

The PKP international program was developed by New Zealand medical doctor, Bruce Dewe MD and his wife, Joan Dewe MA.  Both Bruce and Joan have taught kinesiology workshops around the world for 20 years. Professional Kinesiologists are licensed healthcare professionals in New Zealand.

The PKP program teaches not only a wealth of kinesiology techniques, but also includes personal development, relationship skills and the opportunity to make personal emotional and spiritual growth. 

I am also a highly competent BodyTalker.  It is my favorite form of energy kinesiology.

I have found that The BodyTalk System is one of the most efficient yet all encompassing modalities to utilize Energy Kinesiology to resolve mind-body and energetic health issues.

Since I began studying this modality in 2007, I have completed all basic and advanced levelsof instruction and training through BodyTalk Systems

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